Autrina Tillman specializes in building personal credit profiles to obtain maximum PG (personally guaranteed) business credit; she imparts the art of partnering with banks and funding companies to credit stack using other people's money (OPM), creating a solid financial foundation for businesses. She is an expert in teaching entrepreneurs how to properly start, structure, scale, and fund their passions. With over 20 years of experience, Autrina has trained and developed hundreds of people, managed millions in the investment world, and helped thousands of families with financial literacy.
As a speaker at financial services conferences attended by thousands, Autrina has delivered knowledge and mindset training that transforms lives. Her passion for her craft and the businesses she has built is evident in her mission to support entrepreneurs. A best-selling author of three books—"Mommypreneur," "Blueprint For Success," and "Paid"—Autrina is honored to join you on your journey of discovery, affirmation, and expansion. Welcome to realizing your value, manifesting your wholeness, and maximizing your journey!

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